Discounting- How It Effects Your Bottom Line

Last week we looked at adding value instead of giving discounts to increase your client base and revenue. Today, we give you the cold hard facts about how discounting can effect
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Financial Reports - When Did You Last Review Yours?

How often are you measuring the performance of your business?
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Why Discounting Hurts More Than It Helps

You really want to win that proposal, you want to help out a mate, your cash flow is looking dismal, so all you need to do is offer a discount right? Wrong.
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Identify Your Financial Goals

We are all aware of how hectic this time of year can be, especially for small business owners, but have you considered your approach for the new financial year? With new business
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Tax Preparation: Changing Accountants

Changing accountants can seem like a daunting task and many people choose to stay comfortably uncomfortable, risking their financial security in the hope that things may
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Keeping Your New Financial Year Resolutions

The end of the financial year is fast approaching and with it another chance at a New Year’s resolution. Many people make New Year’s resolutions with the best of intentions but
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Bringing Forward Costs

End of financial year is fast approaching. Now is the time to review your business, assess current financial positions and work on minimising your tax. A great way to minimise tax
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Super Contributions

It can be easy to forget about Superannuation when you’re a small business owner. When you are an employee you grow accustomed to your employer taking care of your super but once
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A Crucial Addition for your Business Success

Accounting software is a crucial function in the success of your business. Understanding how your finances stand will allow you to make intelligent, informed business decisions.
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New Tradies Accountant Office Opening in Brisbane CBD

Tradies Accountant are excited to announce we are currently in negotiations to open up our second office in Brisbane CBD. This central location will allow our new Brisbane Tradies
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